This is one of the more complex topics I have ever wrestled with. I can remember being aware of the Trinity as far back as age 6. I remember hearing about Father, Son, and Holy Ghost/Spirit but never really understanding the relational aspect. As I grew older and more mature I still struggled with the Trinity. How could the Father be the Son and the Son is the Father! What is this Holy Ghost/Spirit and what does that even matter anyway? I was also highly confused and almost angry that people who claimed to believe in and uphold the 10-Commandments would worship three Gods?! Honestly, this concept was one of the pivotal questions of my faith that caused me to leave and then rejoin the church; leaving first because I could not square it and then return to it so that I may learn more about it. Unfortunately, my Seminary training did not help me to understand the Trinity any more than I had previously. What did help me to understand it though was a combination of theological training at Seminary and working as a Licensed Pastor in a UCC Church. I found readings and sermon ideas that suggested discussing the Trinity. The church I currently serve comes from a Reformed tradition and as such my church members hold tightly to Trinity Sunday and Pentecost observations and celebrations. Therefore, I took it upon myself to learn more because I had agreed to serve them as their minister and therefore I should know, or at least understand, their faith traditions. In this way, I came to understand and identify with the Holy Spirit quickly even though there is not much “evidence” of it in the Scriptures. I approach the Trinity gently but often. I believe that intrinsic to human thought and understanding we recognize reality first, what is seen, known, felt, and experienced, and that deeper thinking and understanding comes much later. The very essence of questioning the Trinity and wrestling with what it means, and how it relates to our lives, is in itself faith. I believe that we, as Christians, should question our understandings and beliefs and in this regard, the Trinity serves as a perfect opportunity to reflect on what we know, think we know, think, believe and understand about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We should wrestle with God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit being separate entities while simultaneously being one God. As a child, I questioned God being his own Son and the Son being his own Father but the youth who wanted so much to be an astronaut reconciled it with this, “The Sun and Moon are two completely separate and distinct celestial objects but they are only one light.”